CE marking

RCD-CE Marking 2013/53/UE

UDICER has organised the entire EC certification process on a telematic basis: drawings, diagrams, reports and everything else needed for the CE marking are processed on electronic media.

It is not necessary, for example, to send the design and execution drawings of the product made on paper, but it is sufficient to prepare them in digital format (CAD, PDF, etc.), which will be examined correctly and returned, with the same transmission system and any corrections and/or requirements, to the manufacturer/designer.

An undoubted advantage is of saving of the times of document elaboration and certification is economic.

UDICER ‘s “Spreadsheets” will also facilitate the manufacturer in the fast and clean implementation of the technical product dossier, being structured with compilation control systems.




The manufacturer can follow the evolution of the CE branding process in real time, through our exclusive U-TRACKING EC SYSTEM platform.

In short the technical file of the product and the different stages of approval can be followed by remote, connecting to the devoted UDICER web page. The access is exclusive and protected by a unique password provided to the manufacturer.

On U-TRACKING EC SYSTEM page the manufacturer can also be aware about possible requests from our technical Office to carry on the procedure.

*Obviously a direct comparison with our technical department is always possible.