CE Marking components

Udicer shall mark all components that are to be CE marked according to Directive 2013/53/EU, if placed on the Union market separately:

In general, when components  are found on the market by the manufacturer of the unit under certification and not produced specifically for the unit, THESE PRODUCTS MUST BE MARKED AND ACCOMPANIED BY THE MANUFACTURER’S DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY TO DIRECTIVE 2013/53/EU

As indicated in Article 20 of Directive 2013/53/EU for the design and construction of components, one of the following procedures set out in Annex II to Decision 768/2008/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council shall apply:

  • Form B ( EU type examination) together with forms C, D, E or F
  • Form B ( EU type examination) together with forms C, D, E or F
  • Module H (conformity based on total quality assurance)

Please note: when components are constructed for a specific unit by the unit manufacturer, they may not be marked, “being covered”by the CE marking of the unit, it being understood that the requirements to be met shall in any case be verified with all tests for the component placed on the market separately.

Here are some indications on the harmonized standards that govern the realization of the components listed above and suggestions to adapt easily to the regulations.